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5 Amazon Finds for a More Sustainable Kitchen

Being a college student home for the summer, I’ve found myself making my way into the kitchen whenever I’m bored. I love cooking, but sometimes it can be very wasteful. For example, the tin foil or parchment paper that is used for cooking or baking is typically thrown away after one use. To limit my waste, I’ve purchased some of the following items that have helped me limit my waste output both in my kitchen and in my daily life.

  1. Reusable produce bags-

Image Source: Amazon

I am definitely guilty of using multiple plastic bags to put my apples or tomatoes in at the grocery store. When the bags come home from the store, they usually end up getting thrown away and can generate a lot of unnecessary waste overtime. To help eliminate my waste, I’m starting to make a conscience effort to use bags with natural skins.

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2. Silicon baking mat-

Image Source: Amazon

Honestly, this is one of my favorite things I have in my kitchen. These baking mats are nonstick and can be used for.roasting vegetables, baking cookies, and more! This pack of two is great because it not only helps you save money, but it also helps preserve our planet by eliminating the wasteful use of aluminum foil.

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3. Reusable plastic bags-

Image Source: BlueAvacado

I’m positive that almost every household has a stash of Ziploc plastic bags in all sizes. Before discovering these bags, I would try my hardest to reuse or clean any plastic bags I used. But, despite my efforts, most of them ended up in the trash. Not only was I creating waste with these one-time use bags, but I was also throwing away money! These reusable bags have been in my Amazon cart for quite some time now, and I’ve been hesitant because of the price. However, I realized how much money I’m going to save by not having to buy plastic snack bags anymore and made a purchase! I personally use these bags to store frozen bananas for my smoothies since they are freezer safe. You can find many versions these bags on Amazon, but I decided to share these since they come in two different sizes.

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4. Stainless steel straws-

Image Source: U-Konserve

These straws have been gaining a lot of popularity recently, which I think is awesome. If you enjoy iced coffee or are a heavy smoothie drinker like me, these straws are the investment for you. You can purchase both straight and bendy straws as well as two cleaning brushes for all your drinking needs! If you don’t have a reusable cup to bring to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, try to bring one of these straws! About 500 million straws go to waste in landfills and oceans everyday which is so harmful to our environment. Do our Earth a favor and bring these straws with you wherever you go!

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5. Cotton kitchen towels-

Image Source: The Honest Company

My drawers are filled to the brim with kitchen towels that rarely get used. They are typically hung on the oven handle for aesthetic purposes, but recently I’ve been making an effort to put them to use! Normally, I would reach for the paper towels next to the sink after washing my hands, but I’ve been stopping this habit and using the washable towels to dry my hands and my dishes. I know I’m not the only one who often opts for paper towels to clean up a spill in the kitchen. It seems so much easier to wipe something away and throw out a paper towel than it is to use a cloth towel and wash it later. Let’s be aware and hold ourselves accountable for the decisions we unconsciously make in our kitchens. It’s easier said than done, but try to start small. If you normally used 3-4 squares of paper towels in one use, try going for just 1.

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I hope these Amazon products helped make you a little more aware of the waste we unconsciously create in our everyday lives. But, don’t put yourself down or feel bad for simply throwing something in the garbage. Creating a new habit can be hard! As long as you are doing your best to decrease the waste you generate, that’s what matters. No matter what, the earth will thank you for your efforts!

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